Ahh, 4 more hours and I think I'm DONE. I'll probably upload this later today or tomorrow. I wasted 3 years on this thing! It's kinda good.
8 hours straight. Still need to add sound, music and blood. Whow, 2/5 of the things I needed to do! I'll do 'em now then. :)
Almost done. Maybe a week from now. Sound, music, blood, ending, credits.
Got sick for a week (flu) and haven't worked on it since. Disappointing seeing as I could have been close to done NOW. But then again, I'll still need to add polish, effects, sound and other stuff once I'm 'done'. It'll all be worth it.
I should be done pretty soon. I still need to polish the video, add some effects, sounds, music. But with the hard part over, it should all come together nicely. Looks good too.
Let's hope it gets front page, eh? :)
Couple months have passed. I just need to find time to animate the rest of the flash. All my sprites should be finished. Chances are I won't finish until 2009.
A lot has happened since 9 months ago. I finished the two sprite sheets a long time and and now I need a 3rd one which has halted production a little bit. What I've got so far looks pretty awesome and I'm pretty confident it'll be enjoyable. The increased sprites I have at my disposal really gives me a lot more creativity. I've even got a little part of hand-to-hand combat that looks incredible which the basic sprite set would never have allowed. I'm just glad I don't need many more sprite sheets to complete this. That would take SO long to create.
(Though, I'd maybe end up making them anyway eventually?)
Yup, Massacre 5 will definitely miss Madness Day. I'm done with the first batch of new sprites so I actually started. I also stopped playing D2 altogether so that won't be a distraction anymore. Things are looking up.
I figure I won't make it for Madness Day, Sept.22, but I still plan on making a Massacre 5 video with, hopefully, many improvements from #4.
First off, I've been making many new sprites in addition to the existing sheets originally available to make motions seem more fluid. This increases my work-load many times over. Happily, I've finished editing Cyan sprites and moving on to the next one. If I can just stop playing D2 long enough to finish a 2nd sheet, I'll see just how good these things will look in action.
What the... someone actually made a comment?! I should update my entry thingy. Slow progress. What's there looks good, but shouldn't be the 'best' there is.